Athens Day Cruise to Start Sailing on August 1

Visitors and residents in Athens will soon be able to sail to the nearby Greek islands of HydraPoros and Aegina all in one day!

Greek naval company Athens Day Cruise has announced that it will restart operations on Sunday, August 1. The company will once again offer guests and residents in the Greek capital daily cruises on a spacious vessel to the three islands of  Hydra, Poros and Aegina.

The cruise ship PLATYTERA TON OURANON will set sail from the Flisvos Marina (50m from Averof war old ship).

Once on board, guests can enjoy traditional Greek music and international favourites from a live orchestra, and participate in a number of activities such as Greek dance lessons.

Regarding the menu of Athens Day Cruise, its rich buffet lunch is full of Greek local products.

Athens Day Cruise follows all health and safety guidelines recommended by Greece’s official protocols.

For further information, press here.

Athens Day Cruise is a consortium between Hydraiki Naval Company and Evermore Cruises, two leading shipping companies in Athens.

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