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Autohellas is once again proving to be resilient in a period of unprecedented crisis for tourism and the economy, according to the company’s Vice President of the Board and CEO, Eftichios Vasilakis. According to a company announcement, Autohellas saw profitability in the third quarter of 2020 with significant increase in cash flows. “The third quarter […]
Ολιάνα Μούλιο, Deputy PMO Linakis Digital, Αλέξια Κρητικού Διευθύντρια e-Commerce Autohellas Ένα silver βραβείο απέσπασε η Autohellas-Hertz στα φετινά Impact BITE Awards 2020, τα οποία αναγνωρίζουν και επιβραβεύουν την αξία των έργων πληροφορικής και την τεχνολογία. Συγκεκριμένα, η Autohellas-Hertz έλαβε την silver διάκριση στην κατηγορία «Τουρισμός» για το ψηφιακό
Alphabet New Markets Manager Marianna Michaloudaki and Autohellas-Hertz Deputy General Manager Dimitris Maggioros. Autohellas-Hertz has been certified as an “active member” of the Alphabet OneNet network for 2020. Based in Germany, Alphabet is a global provider of business mobility solutions with a broad portfolio of products and services. Autohellas-Hertz has been its
Autohellas-Hertz, a leading company in the vehicle leasing sector in Greece, has offered 150 vehicles to the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE), aiming to support the social services of local authorities as they deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. “Autohellas-Hertz will stand by the side of communities and municipalities amid this unprecedented situation which